The power of the dream is real.
I perfectly remember visualizing Rainbow John’s face on The Georgia Straight while washing dishes at a local restaurant 2 years ago. I wanted it bad. I wanted to bring that vision to life. I wanted to remind us of the true values of life by raising the unheard voices of the community… and here it is!
“From Italy to Hastings Street, with Love” by Adrian Mack, The Georgia Straight
So what happened in those 2 years between those dishwashing shifts and now?
I answer that with the word “Dream”. It sounds cheesy, because it is. So what does this all mean? What does this one article on The Georgia Straight represent to me, the Downtown Eastside and all other storytellers out there?
It means that there is a space for what we can achieve as dreamers, storytellers and indipendent filmmakers.
It feels like there is a space and time for every story, and that it’s up to us to create our opportunity with instinct, hard work, and lots of love. It’s all in our own hands, and I love that! Now that the 21st Century has brought us internet, DSLR’s, accessible softwares and much more, we are surrounded by unlimited possibilities to create change and impact our communities through film, emotions, and storytelling.
“We, as documentary filmmakers, can turn the judgemental heat of the camera into the warmth of a hug inspire, heal and empower.”
So how does this lead us into 2019?
No more excuses: go tell your story. There is so much to explore, celebrate and bring to life. Life is nature, and everything in Nature happens out of necessity. Therefore, if you dream it, it’s because someone out there needs it, you included.
I’m personally extremely excited to see how Vancouver will accept and welcome a story that screams for a hug. That’s where I thank Adrian Mack for bringing his touch, perception and heart to the table in writing about “V6A” with such passion and interest on The Georgia Straight.
“From Italy to Hastings Street, with Love”
“With warmth and heart, V6A captures the DTES as Vancouver’s growing front in a global class war.”
It’s only when 2 notes with similar intention play simultaneously that you experience Harmony, or musical Synergy. I like to call it “Magic”. I truly believe “Magic” is the word that will color 2019, and we all know that Magic is the mother of “Dream”. The “Dream” that fills your lungs, showers your soul with responsability, and makes you visualize Rainbow John on The Georgia Straight… 😄
Never be afraid to dream big, but beware that big dreams lead to big work. Wanna know the good news? Everything is up to you!
Big Dreams = Big Work
HAPPY 2019
“Our job as human beings is to not get lost in the sandstorm while in the pursuit of stardust”
Join the V6A family on January 6th, as the premiere will feature phenomenal artistic exhibitions from painter Alex Sandvoss and photography project 2 Paycheques Away, and live music from documentary characters Mike Richter and Wendy Gaspard will colour the venue along with initiatives dedicated to the cause. The 67 minutes screening will be followed by a Q&A with special guests, leading the night into the wonderful atrium of the Vancity Theatre with food, art, music and chatter.
Tickets here: https://viff.org/Online/fc9960-v6a
More is to come… stay tuned to never miss a frame of this adventure!
Join me in this journey dedicated to all who Love Life, and Live Love.
by Ruggero Romano