Vancouver and its fake facades had tired me to the point I was starving for Truth, Purity and Substance
I found it all in the Downtown East Side
"Just Trust", a poem by Mike Richter, musician and songwriter who will be starring in the feature documentary "V6A"
Hunger for Substance... That’s what led me to explore the controversial district of Downtown East Side Vancouver in October 2016.
Wonderful British Columbia welcomed me with arms open into the diverse and bold flow of Vancouver, city of dreams. It was only a matter of time that gravity pulled me into postal code V6A, sun of the solar system of YVR.
My adventure started from a little notebook, where I collected biographies and stories of personalities from the area day by day. The creativity marking the community overwhelmed me. I found to be constantly pulled back into that magical melting pot of misunderstood Love, masked by unhealthy news/media and misrepresentations. The Downtown East Side is considered to be the disease that haunts Vancouver, while it actually is the beauty that fills the frame with authenticity and generosity. It really is a pearl.
Everything society is craving for, is hidden in postal code V6A
“V6A is a documentary about Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, but it isn’t just another documentary about the Downtown Eastside.”
Dissolving the stigma, frame by frame…
Vancouver is losing coesion, while the Downtown East Side is fighting for community
This misrepresantion of the community living in postal code V6A took me to a place of anger: that purity was ignored and miscommunicated to the outsiders. It’s by projecting judgement over a broader slice of the community that we give birth to Racism, it is fundamentally important to choose the direction of our species without falling into hypocritism and lazy judgment.
Ask yourself in honesty, where do you stand?
A collective dream come true…
“With warmth and heart, V6A captures the DTES as Vancouver’s growing front in a global class war.”
Some might not own a House, but have a Home
This virtuos movement, led by the feature documentary film “V6A”, challenges the meaning of "HOME" for us as human beings. Our origins and cultures differ all, spiraling into a multitude of colors and textures I call Beauty. It is our duty as creatures of this earth to celebrate our diversity and embrace the unity we are all part of.
This is a hymn to Truth, that breaks artificial barriers and fights the fake appearances
Join me in this journey dedicated to all who Love Life, and Live Love.
by Ruggero Romano